ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 166

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   ABELMOSCHUS736146ESCULENTUS01

Solution dated :   Fri, Feb 15, '13

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As per your inputs uploaded to our website (see this link: on Feb7 2013, we offer the following suggestions for your local doctor:

Regarding your Paralysis:

This is due to a brain attack and the CT scan which you have emailed us shows that an area of your brain's blood supply is blocked. However this can recover.

You will require gentle physiotherapy so that your muscles stay active and gradually over a period of 1-2 months you will be able to walk nearly in a normal manner.

Prevention of another Brain Attack:

Control of BP: You have been prescribed Telma-H 40 mg ( Telmisartan + Hydrochlorthiazide) as per your previous prescription from your local physician dated 26/1/13 and if your weekly BP monitoring shows normal average BP control this should be continued. We shall ask you to get further tests later.

Take Capsule Ecosprin-AV (Aspirin 150 mg+Atorvastatin 10mg) once daily to keep your brain blood vessels from getting blocked again.

Diet and Exercise (see the Bengali version)

Mr Kaustav Bera
and Dr Rakesh Biswas with ArogyaUDHC team.