:   A middle aged man with difficulty in breathing relieved only on lying down
:   35 year old man with stomach pain
:   70 year old woman with vertigo, sweating, constipation since 3 days
:   21 year old man with epilepsy/seizure/mirgi
:   60 year old man with chest and stomach pain for two weeks
:   20 year old woman with stomach ache
:   A 53 year old man with gradual Dysphagia
:   50 years old man with weakness and high BP
:   Ortho problam
:   27 years old woman with abdoman pain
:   37 year old man with pate dard (pain abdomen)
:   45 years old woman with diabetes and hypertension for 6 months
:   36 years old woman with body pain
:   55 years old woman with urinary pain since one year
:   patient with multi system involvement
:   patient with multi system involvement
:   patient with multi system involvement
:   45 year old man with femur tibia fibula and draining sinus
:   45 year old man with femur tibia fibula and draining sinus
:   45 years old woman with backache since 20 years
:   35 year old woman with remarkable deep tendon relfexes and edema of face and legs along with frequent urination and pain in lower abdomen
:   75 years old man with recent right leg swelling, back ache, renal failure, acidosis and diabetes for many years
:   Excessive Bleeding P\V & Fatigue since last 6 months
:   fever and breathlessness
:   fever and breathlessness
:   Breathlessness-10-12 yrs(increased since 2 days) with cough with sputum
:   Breathlessness-10-12 yrs(increased since 2 days) with cough with sputum
:   Fever, Pain in Abdomen, Vomiting since 15 days
:   Head pain
:   Paraplegia since 45 days & loss of sensation of Both the lower limbs.
:   Paraplegia since 45 days & loss of sensation of Both the lower limbs.
:   Paraplegia since 45 days & loss of sensation of Both the lower limbs.
:   36 year old woman with chest pain
:   36 year old woman with chest pain
:   case of ??menigioencephalitis ??alcohal withdrawl
:   case of ??menigioencephalitis ??alcohal withdrawl
:   42 yrs old male with cough and fever since 2 months
:   10 yrs old female presented with cough,fever, weight loss,anorexia,and depression
:   allergic rhinitis age 23 years male person
:   66 year old woman with swelling in legs relieved somewhat after urination
:   37 year old woman with recent cough and breathlessness and old pulmonary tuberculosis
:   55 year old woman with nodular swellings in the body
:   50 yr male with TB
:   50 yr man with recurrent hemoptysis and incomplete TB treatment 4 years back
:   35 year female with fever associated with chronic diarrhoea
:   A young man with history of chronic alcoholism, sever abdominal pain, respiratory distress and Massive right sided hemorrhagic pleural effusion.
:   A young man with history of chronic alcoholism, sever abdominal pain, respiratory distress and Massive right sided hemorrhagic pleural effusion.
:   A young man with history of chronic alcoholism, sever abdominal pain, respiratory distress and Massive right sided hemorrhagic pleural effusion.
:   diabities and blood pressure
:   a 18 yrs young male with right upper limb hemiparesis,epileptic seizures and re-stroke
:   a 18 yrs young male with right upper limb hemiparesis,epileptic seizures and re-stroke
:   a 18 yrs young male with right upper limb hemiparesis,epileptic seizures and re-stroke
:   a 18 yrs young male with right upper limb hemiparesis,epileptic seizures and re-stroke
:   a 18 yrs young male with right upper limb hemiparesis,epileptic seizures and re-stroke
:   18 yrs young man with seizures following febrile illness along with forgetfullness and weakness in all 4 limbs since 8 years
:   Sugar prablam
:   age-20,c/o-pain in abdomen ,swelling in both lower limb,with CAD
:   age-20,c/o-pain in abdomen ,swelling in both lower limb,with CAD
:   age-20,c/o-pain in abdomen ,swelling in both lower limb,with CAD
:   55 year old man with quadriplegia and dementia.
:   Gayne prablom & Azma
:   Oll Body pain & Ortho problam
:   Norve Prablam
:   Sugar prablam
:   42 year old woman with seizures , fever and disorientation
:   Kidney Steon & Back pain
:   a 35 yr old female presents with complaints of stomache and gabaharat since 15 days
:   a 35 yr old female presents with complaints of stomache and gabaharat since 15 days
:   a 35 yr old female presents with complaints of stomache and gabaharat since 15 days
:   a 35 yr old female presents with complaints of stomache and gabaharat since 15 days
:   20 year old woman with cough and fever for 3 months
:   42 yr old woman with weight gain and shortness of breath after having been treated for TB 20 years back
:   a 60yr old female present with heart disease
:   chest pain, back bone muscules pain in winter
:   chest pain, back bone muscules pain in winter
:   Urinary incontinence with lower limb weakness and bone pains.
:   a 45 yr old male with the complaints of pain in abdomen, loose motion fever and oral ulceration
:   Pulmonary Koch's with Emcyema thoracis
:   Pulmonary Koch's with Emcyema thoracis
:   A 66 year old man with diabetes since 5 years and recent cataract
:   A 50year old woman with Diabetes since 18 years, Breathlessness since 20 years and Back pain since 4 months
:   25 year old woman with severe chest pain and headache
:   A patient with stroke
:   A patient with stroke
:   A patient with stroke
:   An 85 year old man presenting with generalized weakness, fever, cough, swelling left lower limb
:   16 year old boy with fever and arthritis since the age of 2 years
:   wHared prablam & Gas problam
:   Brain Stoc
:   A 57 year old man having recurrent abdominal pain since 1984 and recent anemia and black stools
:   A 55 year old woman with back pain, chest pain since 5 year.
:   Cardiologist Prblam
:   Ortho Problam & Pain
:   Ortho Problam & Pain
:   Norve & Urine Prablom
:   A 45 year ol woman having fever problem since 2 year & lower limbs pain problem 4 year
:   A 44 year old woman with menorrhagia (Bhopal update)
:   A 54 year old man with chest pain & heart problem since 4 year's
:   Ortho Problam & Pain
:   swelling right side of neck
:   Round list 1st Saturday autumn 2014
:   Patient round list 1st wednesday autumn 2014
:   Narve Problem & Brain Problem
:   patient round list 2nd Thursday & Friday in fall-winter 2014
:   A 36 year old woman with right uretric calculus & post DJ stenting complication since 2 months
:   A 36 year old woman with an enlarged thyroid and pain since 3 years
:   Ortho Problam
:   Azma Problam
:   A 78 year old woman with a cutaneous ulcer as well as a duodenal ulcer due to therapy and renal failure
:   Liver & Urinal & piles problam
:   A 60 year old man with right side lower limb pain & swelling since 6-7 years
:   A 50 year old man with left hemiparesis since 1.5 years and recent episodes of seizures
:   A 50 year old woman with paralysis and numbness of both legs since 6 months
:   Excessive hair-fall and weakness - 25-year old woman
:   A 44 year old man with left eye visual loss since 2006 and quadriparesis and urinary hesitancy since 4 years
:   Golbladar Stone & Ortho Prablam
:   A 63 year old man with distended abdomen since 15 days
:   Novre & Gayne Problam
:   Gastritis & B.P Poblam
:   Sugar Problam
:   A 36 year old man with cough since 2 or 3 months
:   Norve & E.N.T Problam
:   Cardiologhit Prablam
:   A 60 year old woman with leprosy problem since 20 year's & ABD pain problem since 2 month's
:   Tumar & Kdnye Problam
:   Cofe problam
:   A 45 year old man with Rt. sided hemiperesis since 2 year's
:   A 56 year old man with extreme fatigue since 1 month and difficulty in walking since 20 years
:   A 70 year old man louse motion since 3 month
:   A 70 year old man louse motion since 3 month
:   A 70 year old man louse motion since 3 month
:   A 70 year old man louse motion since 3 month
:   A 70 year old man louse motion since 3 month
:   A 75 year old man with
:   A 75 year old man with
:   A 50 year old woman with all body-ache problem since 1 year
:   Pain of chast
:   Pain of chast
:   Golbladar Stone & Uterusa Chiest Problam
:   A 40 year old woman with abdominal pain since 10 years and recent hypothyroidism
:   Gastrik Prablam
:   Norve Problam
:   chast pain
:   A 15 years old man with
:   Calcium &Potassium Problam
:   Filarir & Oll Boday Pain
:   Filarir & Oll Boday Pain
:   Azma Broncatis & Sugar
:   Kidney Stone & Gas
:   Norve & Meness Problam
:   Skin & GAYNE Problam
:   Age Anupathay Weght bashe & and Absence Manid.
:   Raight lagePain & B P Prablam
:   Neuro Prablam & Pain
:   Cadyalogist & Left Sait Pain.
:   Urologe Problam
:   Nerve & Lage Pain
:   Skin & Ganye Problam
:   Cervical growth amaultiple Cholelithiasis & Gayne Problam
:   Urine & Uric Acid Problam
:   Gol Blader Stone
:   Hepatomegaly With Grade II Fatty Change & Mild ta moderate ascites.
:   Norve & Ortho Problam