
50 year old man with recent jaundice


History uploaded by Ankit Sharma, Intern PCMS Medicine Research Lab, Bhopal, Fall 2013

50 year old male from lalitpur uttar pradesh presented in medicine opd with
loss of appetite since 6 months,
fever on and off since 6 months,
weakness since 6 moths (increased since last 10 to 15 days),
continuous dry cough since last 8 to 10 days,
yellowish discolouration of urine since last 8 to 10 days.

Patient is a known case of chronic pancreatitis, undergone cystogastrostomy
with pigtail stent insertion 4 years back.

4 years back, patient had excruciating pain in abdomen, abdomen fullness,
swelling in upper abdomen for 2-3 days.He went to hospital in Jhansi from
where he was sent to Delhi. He was admitted in hospital and kept nil by
mouth for 4-5 days then underwent an endoscopic cyst ogstrostomy for cyst (half of the cyst was removed in
first time then 1/4 on second time and 1/4 on third time). stent was placed
for 1 month after surgery for flushing.

Personal history-
Patient is consuming alcohol since last 15 years ( 1/2 bottle whisky per
He stopped alcohol 4 years back at the time of surgery but again started
after 1-2 years. He stopped alcohol 1 month back from now.
Sleep - reduced
Apetite - reduced
Bladder - sometimes burning micturition during night
Bowel - loose motions on and off

Family history - NAD

On examination -
Pulse - 90/min
BP - 110/70 mmhg
R/R - 16/min
Temp. - afebrile
Jaundice - +
Edema - +( in feet)

R/S - b/l chest clear
CVS - s1,s2 normal
CNS - conscious and oriented
P/A - tenderness present in right hypochondrium
liver 4 cm below costal margin
no splenomegaly

Urine R/M - Albumin - traces
Sugar - +++
Hyaline cast present
Epithelial cells - 3-5/HPF

CBC - TLC - 5.7
Hb - 14.8
RBC - 4.38
PLT -125

RBS - 263.0

LFT - S.protein - A - 3.5, G - 4.1
S. bilirubin - D - 0.48, ID - 0.62
SGOT - 284.0
SGPT - 80.2
ALP - 305.0

KFT - Blood urea - 16.9
S. creatinine - 0.88

USG - hepatomegaly with fatty liver grade II
features of chronic pancreatitis - dilated pancreatic duct

CECT - concentric wall thickening involving distal part of pylorus, 1st and
2nd part of duodenum with dilated major pancreatic duct and CBD. Subtle fat
stranding is seen around head of pancreas with foci of calcification in
head of pancreas and mild ascitis
moderate hepatomegaly and diffuse fatty changes
mild splenomegaly
left side mild pleural effusion with basal consolidation

CBC - TLC - 9.6
Hb - 12.9
RBC - 4.01
PLT - 74

LFT - S. protein - A - 2.0, G - 3.8
S. bilirubin - D - 2.5, ID - 4.0
SGOT - 236.0
SGPT - 77.7
ALP - 284.0

Malaria antigen - negative
Widal test - O<1:20, H<1:20

Upper GI endoscopy - normal

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