
Persisting fever with progressive coughing since 2 months

Patient name :   Abelmoschus721Moschatus

ArogyaUDHC Moderator's Note: Uploaded by caregiver/patient's relative on 23rd Sept 2013

Attachments/Prescriptions deleted before making online as patient's identity on was visible.

Age 40 yrs


In general the body weight is between 43 and 45 kg.

Present complaint: Persisting fever and coughing

The patient is suffering with severe fever with dry coughing since first week of August, 2013.

The fever seemed to be in little bit declining stage since the third week of August, however persisting with lower values till date. In general, it has been observed that the patent is registered with the fever in the afternoon season than the morning season. Some of the blood test reports are awaiting and hence could not be included.

Past history of the patent:

The patent was registered with Hematemesis (vomiting of blood) in the year 2003. However, in the endoscopy, which was carried out after seven days of vomiting did not reveal anything. Doctor, suggested that the hematemesis might be occurred because of frequent consumption of self-prescribed pain killers (Disprin, due to headache) and the endoscopy could not reveal it as it was done after a week and during the week medicine (injection) was taken to heal the same. The similar incident again repeats in the year, 2013 May 08 and (tab Tause) was advised. No endoscopy was carried out this time.

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