
Elderly man with a Metastatic Neuroendocrine tumor and altered sensorium

Patient name :   Abelmoschus372Esculentus

Using a Vanderbilt clinical dataset input below (this has been supplied after registering for the challenge: here:http://www.healthappchallenge.com/details/)

Input 1 a) Neuroendocrine tumor (?Primary)

--metastases to lungs and now brain

--being treated with Sorafenib twice a day. 

 Input 1b) Brain Lesion : Tag to anatomical location in graphical template)

--seen by Brain MRI **DATE[Dec 2];

(Health professional team rep’s reflection) Processing 1: almost certainly metastasis associated with his (patient’s) known cancer and cause of his neurologic symptoms as his hallucinations have resolved completely with adding high dose steroids. 

Input 1c) Acute on Chronic Kidney failure Kidneys: Tag to anatomical location in graphical template)

--has a single kidney s/p nephrectomy **DATE[Dec 2] gunshot wound

--baseline 1.5; >2 on admission, now downtrending

--complicated by mild hyperkalemia

--K and Cr improved with IVF

Input 1d) Hypertension 

Input 1e) Liver Transplant:  

On--immunosuppressive regimen: tacrolimus 1 m

Input 1f) Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus

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