
63 year old lady with multiple diabetic complications

Patient name :   Leucas736Zeylanica

A 63 year old lady complains of frequent micturition at night, recurrent bouts of unproductive cough and weakness for
past few months. She is suffering from recurrent dyspepsia and diarrhoea along with few episodes of cooling of extremities
and palpitations relieved by oral sugar intake. She is a known diabetic and hypertensive for the past 2 years.
She had undergone hysterectomy 30 years and cholecystectomy 4 years ago.

Investigations reveal Hb 7.8, Platelet 4.1 lakh/cu mm, PPBG 234 mg/dl, HbA1c 9.5%, total protein 6.5 gm/dl (A:G ratio 0.9),
ALT 62 and uric acid 8.3 mg/dl.
Ultrasonography of abdomen reveals no significant finding.

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