
Right sided pulsatile neck mass

Patient name :   Isodon736Lopanthoides

First contact with UDHC network through Patient's Note/Illness-History/PHR in attached image sent by our social worker in Mathabhanga, West Bengal (February 2013)

Below is PCMS Intern, Dr Arjit Saraf's note guided by Dr Rajesh Patel, PCMS MD PGY1, after patient presented to Bhopal on 1st week of April 2013

Admission note:
Patient 27/m resides in west bengal  presented with
1. mass in neck in rt side since 3 yrs
 h/o of pruritis in grion region since 3 yrs . Also history suggestive of balano-posthitis. Blood sugars normal.
3. Weight loss since the last 6 months
On general examination :orientated conscious,thin built and poorly nourished
 o/e: palpation:firm, non tender,circumscribed,pulsatile mass +nt rt side of neck.
    auscultation :bruit +nt
 imaging studies mri neck contrast dne earlier at siliguri 

 impression of mri reports:

well defined intense enhanced lesions in region of rt cca bifurcation splaying of rt ext & int cartiod arteries. with few signal voids in middle
colour doppler in PCMS revealed hypervascular mass with splaying of rt ext and int arteries.

Current diagnosis: Right sided carotid body tumor.


Does the patient's current symptoms correlate with any chemical activity in the tumor?

What would be the prognosis if the patient remains untreated? What would be the risks of surgical intervention. What would be the best modality of intervention here and which health professional specialty would be best suited to deliver it?

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