
60 year old man with progressive loss of vision due to Retinitis Pigmentosa


The patient was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa in 1998. His vision has been slowly deteriorating since then. But it has been deteriorating severely in the past year. Now he is unable to make out faces clearly. He has lost his color vision almost entirely. His visual field is quite narrow as can be seen in his vision report attached. His eyes are very sensitive to sunlight, they take a long time to adjust once he comes indoors. His other medical conditions involve high blood pressure, heart bypass completed about 12 years ago, and high blood sugar level (not high to be diabetic though). He is currently taking medication for high blood pressure and heart condition (blood thinner). He is 60 years old. Currently there is no treatment for his condition in Canada. 

Is there a cure or treatment for his eye condition in India or other countries? Can an eye transplant be done? He is willing to travel and try out treatments. If you need clarifications or other medical reports, please let me know by email.

Thank you kindly for looking into this patient's medical need. 

The first feedback we received required some further clarifications:

Q1. Is there any lens opacity in left which could be attributing to
poor vision. since the pt is already 60 yrs.
Q2. we need to get a OCT (optical tomogram ) of both eyes which will
help us rule out retinal macular edema as a cause of poor vision.

I have uploaded the OCT images and an eye doctor indicated that there is NO LENS OPACITY in the left eye.

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