
65 year old lady with 7 years of Parkinsons and recent Crohns disease

Patient name :   ABUTILON462INDICUM

This is a 65 years old lady suffering from Parkinson's for the last 7 yrs and from Crohn's disease for last 8 months.

The medication she is currently taking is as mentioned:

Tab Syndopa Plus 110 (3 times a day); Syndopa CR once a day;

Parkitidin 100 (half tab in the morning);

Ropark 0.25 (2 times a day);

Zenoxa 150mg (half tab in the night)

She presently is having intense pain (spasms/ as nerves are pulling) in the legs knee and below; the pain is
unbearable during night times. Has burning sensation in eyes. Stomach feeling slightly heavy while sitting and also
slightly bloated up. Has pain in rt knee also which is restricting her movement.

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