
Lower abdominal pain with Difficulty in passing stool

Patient name :   Capsicum Frutescence L.

I am a 31 year old Male patient. Last June I had a pain in my stomach; to be precise in the lower abdomen. Also after the pain I had difficulty and pain while passing stools. Also i Noticed that my stomach is more hanging, or belly is more pronounced now.\
Currently  I do not have any pain but my stool output has reduced and my belly size has increase.

Please suggest medications or tests. 



I am rephrasing my query again in steps or sequences

1.  I had a pain in lower abdoman in June last year..Now I have no such pain now.

2. After the pain incidence i had pain around anal opening while passing stools. My stool was very hard.

3.  Now I do not have pain while passing stool also. 

4.The amount of stool output has reduced and stool is smaller in size.

5. My height is 5' 11''. weight is 99 kgs. waist circumference as per method suggested by u is 41.5 inches.

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