
Stiffness of joint, Bony deformity, Short stature, Facial Deformity in a 11 year old Male Child

Patient name :   Calotropis711102Procerar.Br.

Age - 11 years. First symptoms developed after 3 years.

Symptoms and signs (Chronologically arranged) 1. Thickened Mitral Valve with Mild MR - December 2004.

2. Stiffness of Joints and facial deformity - August 2005.

3. Abdominal Hernia - September 2008.

Detailed History

11 year old, was born on 24th February, 2002. Up to three years of age he was absolutely normal and was like any other normal child. It was December 2004, one local doctor informed me that some whizzing sound is coming out from his heart and advised to consult a cardiologist. Then we visited a senior cardiologist and he advised for ECHO Cardiograph. Echo test results thickened Mitral Valve with Mild MR. Then we visited R.N.Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences. There, we consulted with Pediatric Surgeon Dr. Biswajit Bandopadhyay. There also his Echo Cardiograph done and results was the same. After that we continued to visit Dr. Bandopadhyay for the third time. In between we also visited one renowned Orthopedist Dr. R. Home Chowdhury, He suggested for physiotherapy. At the last visit of Dr. Biswajit Bandopadhyay on 11th February, 2006 he told us that he has a different problem and referred to Dr. Apurba Ghosh.

Then on 13th Feb, 2006 we went to visit Dr. Apurba Ghosh, he took a look at him and suspected at a glance seeing his stiffness of joints and facial deformity that his has MPS and advised for skeletal X-ray. Reports confirmed Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS). Then we went to Christian Medical College, Vellore in pediatric dept on 24th February. They conducted a 24 hour Urine test and confirmed MPS.

In the mean time, it was the year of 2008, Dr. Apurba Ghosh informed us that there is a treatment called Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) for this disorder and advised us to visit Dr. I.C.Veerma at Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi. Then we visited Sir Gangaram Hospital to meet Dr. Verma and Dr. Ratna Puri in November, 2008. 

There, an Enzyme Assay was done to detect the enzyme that deficient or absent in the blood. Test result confirmed the Hunter Syndrome (MPS II), Iduronate-2-Sulfatase, the enzyme is less in presence in the blood.

In the 2009, I requested Dr. Sumita Danda (CMC, Vellore) to contact Shire for the medicine for him no. of times. She has tried, SHIRE has not replied as per Dr. Danda.

After that I started mailing to Shire. Now they have decided to come to India with their Charitable Access programme through which they will provide the drug to few patients free of cost. The programme is in the process. On 2nd March we again visit Dr. Ratna Puri for check-up. She has given few tests to record the present physical condition of his.

After that we are making effort to reach the Govt so that we can able to get the drug for his to save his life. I have applied to Chief Minister of West Bengal, written to Prime Minister. Also we have given a letter to President of India. We met local MLA and MP and requested to do the best for him. I regret to write I have got no response from anybody who ever I approached mentioned above.

The disease is progressive, so his physical condition is deteriorating day by day. We should arrange the drug and start the treatment as soon as possible.

Family History :

No such history of disease in the family. Has one sister who was married in early 2010.

Treatment and diagnosis history

Date and Year


Reported by the Dr.

Tests and results

December, 2004

Murmur sound in heart

Dr. Susovan Ghosh Mandal, Howrah

Referred to a cardiologist

Dr. S C Mohanty, Howrah

Echo-cardiograph done, thickened cardiac valve

5th Feb, 2005

Thickened cardiac valve

Dr. Biswajit Bandopadhyay, RTIICS, Mukundapur

Echo done, mild MR with thickened valve

August, 2005




August, 2005

Joint stiffness, contracture of limbs

Dr. R Home Chowdhury, Kolkata

Advised for Physiotherapy

8th Feb, 2006

Dr. Biswajit Bandopadhyay, RTIICS, Mukundapur

Doctor informed that the Problem is different and referred to Dr. Apurba Ghosh for further diagnosis

13th Feb, 2006

Joint stiffness, contracture of limbs, thickened valve

Dr. Apurba Ghosh, Director, ICH, Kolkata

? MPS, advised for skeletal x-ray, done

14th Feb, 2006



Test shown MPS disease, a rarest disease

24th Feb, 2006

CMC, Vellore

Pediatric Dept

Advised for 24 hour urine test, USG, eye test, ENT, related tests

9 March, 2006



MPS confirmed, enlarged Liver, eye is normal, ear is normal

May, 2006

Dr. Apurba Ghosh

MPS type test

May, 2007


Enzyme Replacement Therapy, costliest drug

September, 2008

Abdominal hernia

Dr. Sangita Bhattacharya, Apollo, Kolkata

Operated, common symptom of MPS II

November, 2008

Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi

Dr. I.C.Verma and Dr. Ratna Puri

Advised Enzyme Assay for MPS type test, MPS-II (Mucopolysaccharidosis type II) confirmed

January, 2009

CMC, Vellore

Dr. Sumita Danda, Genetic

Follow-up, USG done result same, application sent to Shire

Under the observation of Dr. Apurba Ghosh

June, 2012

SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

Dr. Kausik Mandal

Advised for Physiotherapy, ERT

2nd March 2013

Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi

Dr. I.C.Verma and Dr. Ratna Puri

Gene Mutation test, few other tests have been advised, not yet done.

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