
Constant Heartburn for 15 years

Patient name :   ABELMOSCHUS532712ESCULENTUS(Nepal)

I am sufferer of constant heartburn from last 15 years. My heart burn started in 1998, I did endoscopy and they didn't find any problem and prescribed antacid and pain killer.

My heart burn went on since then and I went to Manipal Hospital/Pokhara/Nepal and found a very good hearted  Doctor. He was very keen on my lifestyle and problem; After long inquiry and several tests like GI endoscopy; Barium Swallow; ecg; echo; several X-rays, he finalized his ideas on my problem like this:

A yoga teacher with persistent reflux symptoms

A 30 years old yoga teacher from Pokhara, Nepal, presented to us with severe prolonged heart burn and sour eructation (intermittent reflux symptoms) for 2 years not responding to PPI and with no marked abnormality on available  investigations like Upper Gastro Intestinal (UGI) endoscopy with biopsy and barium swallow. There was however a patulous lower esophageal sphincter along with a hiatus hernia noted on UGI endoscopy although there were no erosions due to reflux.

He also reported having noticed exacerbation of his symptoms particularly after Shirsana(head stand), As to the etiology of this troublesome reflux, he recalled having had a master kunjal kriya(vomiting) and also demonstrated it a number of times daily to his students. Kunjal Kriya is a special technique involving induced reverse peristalsis following intake of a large volume of water. It is supposed to have cleansing properties and it claims to throw fermented waste out f the stomach and prevents auto poisoning of the body. It is also recommended for bronchial asthma by yogic schools.

Even during attacks repeated induced reverse peristalsis in the form of kunjal kriya is likely to have been responsible for the persistent esophageal reflux in this yoga teacher, since his symptoms were much better having given up kunjal kriya and Shirsasana (head stand) for a few months initially ( but recurred again). Heartburn and acid regurgitation have a big specificity (89 and 95% respectively) for the presence of gastro esophageal reflux disease.

Even after all the efforts made by Dr. my heartburn persisted. I kept trying other alternative ways but didn't help at all. I changed my diet, changed my lifestyle, lifted the bed on head side, fasted for 10 days, tried several sedative  and anti depressant medications nothings seemed helping me. My pain continued after or before meal; I would not realize pain while sleeping but as soon as I got up pain is there. Character of pain is same as beginning of starting in 1998; pain is on left side of the chest in heart region.

In 2010 I went to Gangaram hospital got further investigated with 24 hour pH manometry which revealed significant reflux (Image 1) and got an operation called laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication, it has been 3 years since my operation but my symptoms didn't change; it is still there as acute as before; throughout those 15 years I might have done more than 10 endoscopies, more than 15 x-rays, more than 5 echoes, more the 15 ecgs; tread mill tests etc.

Recent endoscopy report on Feb 26/2013 says

 E.C. Mucosal Junction: 36 cm

Mucosa: Esophagitis LA grade A

Varices: Nill

Hiatus hernia: Nill

Cardia: normal

Fundus: Layer of bile along the mucosa

Corpus: Mucosa stained with bile

Antrum: Mild antral gastritis

Pyloric ring: Normal

Miscellaneous: Duodneo-gastric reflux of bile


D1: Mucosa stained with bile

D2: Normal

Impression: Esophagitis LA grade A; mild antral gastritis with billary reflux

One thing I recently found that whenever I had mushroom I had severe pain in my whole chest and stomach; unbearable pain persisted for 30 minutes to 1 hours and disappeared; it happened several times but I knew reason of pain just a week ago so I stopped eating mushroom.

I will highly appreciate any help to solve this problem, this problem is ruining my quality of living, makes me always tensed and I worry a lot.

Thanks for your support

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