
Central Chest Pain

Patient name :   Kaempferia736146Rotunda

Chief Complaints - Central Chest Pain

Patient History:

First of all I had acidity during the beginning of 2012. Then in August 2012 after having medicine I did an endoscipy. During Endoscopy it was found that 1st part ? Multiple acute duodenal ulcers, 2nd Part ? Mucosa and wall ? normal.

Then again after having medicines I went to the Asian Institute of gastroenterology at Hyderabad in November 2012. After doing NBI (Narrow band imaging) it was found I had Part1 ? normal villi form mucosa at duodenum and Part 2 ? multiple discrete ulcer with white base in 2nd and 3rd part of duodenum.

Impression of Biopsy was multiple ulcers in antrum and duodenum.

Then I went for a second check up at the same institute in February 2013 and findings was

          Oesophagus ? Patulous Ge Junction

          Stomach ? Normal

          Duodenum Cap ? Normal

2nd Part ? Normal

          Impression ? Patulous Ge Junction

          Previous ulcers have healed

But after returning home I had serious pain in the heart & Chest area. I am of the impression that it is due to acidity and having antacid. Only one medicine was prescribed by AIG? Hydrabad i.e. Razo D for one month.

 Answers to Follow Up Questions

1)    No the onset was not on one day.

2)    Once or twice a week

3)    Pin pricking pain now but heavily one day

4)    Pain/heart burn not associated with water brash or some eructations.

5)    Acidity had lasted for few day pain has not subsided. Some time swallowing of food is also a problem as I feel the food is stuck in the chest.

6)    Yes I am still on Rezo-D

7)    No medicines for pain only Sucral ?O? get and Razo D.

Patient Update on 22nd March 2013: Recently noticed a sensation of food sticking to the back of the chest especially in the morning with all kinds of food.

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