
62 year old lady with a 2.8 cm staghorn right renal stone and recent Cholecystectomy

Patient name :   Jatropha736146Gossypifolia

Patient Particulars - Age - 62 years; Sex - Female; Height - 4' 10''; Weight - 66kg; BP- 180/66; Pulse - 90; Sugar - Normal

Summary - 62 year old lady with a 2.8 cm staghorn right renal stone and recent Cholecystectomy

Past History- Post menopausal at the age of 51 years. Due to pain abdomen and vomiting, an USG was done and revealed stones both in the kidney as well as Gall bladder. After admission to the hospital, pain was stopped by Intravenous painkillers and a laparoscopic cholecystectomy was done to remove GB stones. The kidney stones found on USG are yet to be removed. Also has associated with flatulence.

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