
Hydrocephalus in 7 month old fetus and currently a healthy new born boy

Patient name :   ABELMOSCHUS160017ESCULENTUS

From attached patient reports  above below is a summary of the first patient input to the ArogyaUDHC website on February last week 2013:

7 month fetus diagnosed with hydrocephalus with dilation of ventricular system.
The atria measurement in Ultrasound is 23-24 mm.Width of 3rd Ventricle measures 7-8 mm.Head circumference-30 cm.
All other organs. i.e. chest, spine, heart, Limbs are absolutely normal.

The patients inputs were processed in the ArogyaUDHC hidden layer (in a secret web based forum of 600+ health professionals) and an output provided to the parents on the 27th of February 2013 that can be accessed here:

An update from the parents on 11:00AM, April 19, 2013:

The child was born on 8th April by Cesarian Operation.Baby's weight at
Birth was 2.5 KG and Head circumference-36.5 cm.He was kept in NICU
for 4 days for respiratory Infection.He wa discharged on 12th April
and  was given antibiotics till 15th.The child looks quite ok in
appearance and activities.Breathing is also stable.

We consulted the pediatric doctor yesterday.The OFC was 37 cm.She
expressed that though there wasn't much increase in OFC since birth
but asked to get a detailed ultrasound of the head done, based upon
which they can suggest further.

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