
Low back ache, early morning stiffness, anxiety and frequent urination

Patient name :   Ipomoea736146AquaticaForsk

Patient Particulars -
Age 39 years; Sex - Female; Height - 5' 2''; Weight 55 kg; BP - 141/78; Pulse -76

History given on 27th January 2013

Chief Complaints: Low back ache with early morning stiffness around half an hour with frequent Urination  with Anxiety symptoms.

Increased sweating, Increased thirst, Reduced appetite and sleep, constipation.

Past history: Itches and rashes in childhood cured on treatment. Menarche at 16 years, no irregularities. History of laparoscopic (?ligation) and appendectomy.

Follow up on 17 Feb 2013

Reports done. The lower back pain and swelling is lower after medication, as is the urinary frequency, but there is severe headache.
Increased sweating, constipation and dysphagia persist, and there is mild chest pain on exertion.

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