
Burning Sensation and Pain Abdomen in 30 year old Male

Patient name :   Ixora736146Coccinea L.

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Patient Particulars -
Age -30; Sex - Male; Height - 5' 2''; Weight - 59kg; BP -125/81; Pulse -68

Chief Complaints -
Burning sensation on empty stomach
                                   Burning sensation and pain on urination
                                   Pain in left side of lower back

Past History-
I had injured my head,once, leading to eye problems after falling down in the fields. When I was of 10-12 years, I got ulcers all over the body which got cured on taking medicines.
For the last 6 months, I am having pain and discomfort around my navel and both sides of my lower back which has decreased on taking medicines but still remained. Nowadays, there is pain mostly in the left side of lower back. I get a  burning sensation in stomach when I remain in empty stomach and also the pain increases. I have problems of gas but digestion and sleeping habits are alright. Also, there is a burning sensation while passing urine. i pass around a cup-full of urine every one hour. Bowel, thirst and appetite is normal. There is slight generalized weakness. Though sleep is adequate, I need to get up once or twice at night to pass urine.

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