
Inguinal fullness and body swelling

Patient name :   ipomoea736146Maxima

Patient history uploaded by ArogyaUDHC social worker, Mr Kar from Mathabhanga on winter-spring 2013 (see below for the translation):


Inguinal and scrotal fullness for 6months and gradually progressive swelling of body for 6 months. Urine Albumin reported in Mathabhanga was trace and USG abdomen reported as inguinal hernia.

Global health professional network (tabula rasa) processing:

Like · · Stop Notifications · February 17 at 5:48pm
People's Hospital, Bhopal Notes on Feb 15 2013

On examination anasarca, no facial puffiness and left sided pleural effusion.
This patient got his USG done from Mathabhanga and posted it to us along with the urine report before arriving here at Bhopal and when we examined him here we found inguinal fullness and scrotal edema but no hernia in the inguinal canal and no impulse on coughing.
He also had a large left sided pleural effusion and ascites which were subjected to a diagnostic tap and the results are:.
Pleural fluid protein 0.34g/L and TLC 50 cells with 60% lymphocytes. Ascitic fluid SAAG 0.1 and TLC 50 cells.

The patient's friend who had accompanied the patient told us that he was a frequent consumer of alcohol (country liquor aka bangla) and we kept a provisional diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis. His Ram's horn penis was drained of the fluid and restored to shape by our surgeon.

His urine RM came in the evening showing 4+ albumin and 8-10 dysmorphic RBCs along with urine protein creatinine ratio to the tune of 10. He was a frank nephrotic syndrome with active sediment. His blood pressure was 140/90.
He was advised a renal biopsy but couldn't afford it.

Global health professional network (tabula rasa) processing 2:

Follow up history from Mathabhanga on 27/02/13

After the visit to People's College of Medical Sciences hospital, the fluid in my abdomen is no longer there and the swelling all over is almost gone. However presently I am having problem of severe irritation in my throat. Abdominal distension due to gas, which does not get better even on taking Omez D.

New Investigation Reports attached.

Follow up on 16/03/13

Patient still complains of abdominal pain, constipation, headache and also sever throat irritation. The prescribed medications have been all taken over their due course.

Follow up on April 2013

Patient is a day laborer and has begun his regular occupational activities in full swing and is reportedly asymptomatic and has been advised repeat Urine for estimation of current status of proteinuria and glomerular injury by our social worker Mr Kar on telephone.

Winter December 2013 update:

The patient maintains good health despite not being on any treatment. We have asked our health worker to get his urine for protein tested but the patient has been declining (presumably due to the fact that he feels better and doesn't want to bother about it further).

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