
Pain in Right Knee and Hip

Patient name :   Ipomoea736146Pes-capral(L)Br

Age - 75 years. Sex- Male Height 5' 2'' Weight - 64kg BP - 164/89 Pulse -96 Blood Sugar 98 (Fasting) 178 (Post Prandial)

Present complaints - Pain in the hip and right knee. Unable to walk without support.

Past History outlined by the patient

1. Suffered from cholera at 7 years age. Recovered.
2. Had pain in the throat.
3. Had eczema in my feet.
4. My left arm was broken although it was better on treatment but I have less power there, still now.
5. At 60 years of age, I passed black stool for which blood had to be given to me, I also grew weak.
6. Had a gall bladder operation at 67 years of age
7. Two years ago I was diagnosed with High Blood sugar 200 (PP) but it improved now.
8. One and a half year ago I developed pain in the knee as well as hip for which I went to Vellore and was better on medication.
9. Two months back while physical activity, I was hurt at my waist which I came to understand the next day, pain started after 3 days and gradually got worse. I cannot walk without support and at present I have immense pain in my waist and knee.

The patient consumed tobacco from 17 years. Sleep, bladder, bowel, appetite normal

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