ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 819

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Mangifera736Indica

Solution dated :   Sat, Nov 9, '13

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Output from PCMS Medicine research lab (fall 2013):

1) Further tests for current hepatitis B and diabetes status (reports uploaded-attached in input page)

Testing in PCMS revealed a FBS and PPBS in the range of 300-400 and an HbA1c of 9.6 (patient was not on any treatment for diabetes since the last few months). An initial urine RM revealed Albumin  ++ but on repeating in our research lab both with dipstick and heat test it turned out to be negative. His urine for microalbumin is still awaited.

2) For his diabetes, the patient was put on regular oral hypoglycemic agents and Metformin (prescription attached in input page) along with counseling for diet and exercise (his output1 on this website) and asked to follow up through the website.

3) For his Hepatitis B, his current LFTs revealed no raised liver enzymes (current LFT reports attached are essentially normal), His HBV-DNA copies haven't increased much from when he was last tested and still hovers at around 3000 to 4000 copies. In view of his normal LFTs and stable HBV-DNA a shared decision was made with the patient to continue to follow up his LFTs through our web-based updates and not restart his antivirals (he was previously on Telbevudine 600mg once daily for past 3 years and the current choice would have been Entecavir in terms of sustainability both in terms of cost and viral resistance).