ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 826

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   AEGLE462MARMELOS

Solution dated :   Wed, Oct 2, '13

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Output 1: Patient's immediate concerns were more to do with his back pains radiating to thigh and legs and associated with early morning stiffness of more than an hour's duration. He was given a provisional diagnosis of Spondyloarthropathy and an X ray sacroiliac joint was ordered which was suggestive and supportive of the provisional diagnosis as it showed grade II changes in the sacroiliac joint. The Medicine research lab assistant was asked to upload the Xrays to the input page. Meanwhile the patient was prescribed medications for pain relief and also referred to PCMS physiotherapists for SWD/IFT toward further pain relief along with training for back strengthening exercises.

For his problem of epilepsy which seems controlled on anti epileptics (a combination of Sodium Valproate and Valproic acid) he was asked to continue the same medications.