ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 191

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Ipomoea736146Alba L.

Solution dated :   Sun, Feb 17, '13

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Solution after first Input on January 27, 2013

As per the reports and the symptoms as described ( the probable diagnosis is Rheumatoid Arthritis, which has been present since 16 years ( for about 7 years now). This was also confirmed in the prescripion dated back in 2008.

Suggestions and further tests for the local doctor for confirming:

X ray hands bilateral AP view

LFT, RFT and CBC with PS for comments

Tab Wysolone 10 mg once daily for 2 weeks

Tablet Naproxen 250 mg SOS for severe pain

Tablet Methotrexate 7.5 mg once weekly for 3 months and review

Solution after the second Input on February 17, 2013

For your current two problems following are the suggestions for your local physician

For Persistence of left ankle pain and swelling: Use
a crepe bandage to splint it and reduce weight bearing on that limb. This pain and swelling may  also go gradually as soon as the DMARD starts acting full force in a few weeks.

For acidity:
Take Capsule Omez-D 20 mg twice a day.

Kaustav Bera and Dr Rakesh Biswas,
Arogya UDHC Team