ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 828

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Abelmoschus721Moschatus

Solution dated :   Mon, Sep 23, '13

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Please upload a digital image of her Chest X ray.

Please send us the 6 hourly fever chart readings of the last 2 days. (Similar to the fever charting done by you on 14 to 16 September but preferably graphically)

Further Suggestions for your local physician:

If fever persists without further localization other than the current free fluid noted on USG, please repeat USG and see if the fluid can be tapped and sent for diagnostic tests such as counts, SAAG, ADA etc

Repeat CBC, Widal (to look for rising titre), LFT and RFT.

Tablet Paracetamol 650 mg for the fever and myalgia and Tablet Tramadol 25 mg in addition for myalgia thrice daily for the next 3 days.