ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 805

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   ABRUS736PRECATORIUS01

Solution dated :   Fri, Jul 19, '13

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Suggestions for the local physician:

53 year-old-man with operated brain hematoma 6 years back who currently complains of increased water intake and pain in elbow:

1) Stop increased water intake. Just take 1 to 1.5 liters daily

2) Repeat Urine for albumin

3) Tablet paracetamol 650 mg for pain elbow SOS.

43 year-old-lady with muscle pain (Fibromyalgia) on Vermisole (Levamisole) for oral ulcers

1) Stop Levamisole

2) Test CBC with PS for comments

3) Tablet Amitryptiline 25 mg at bedtime one hour before dinner

4) Physiotherapy for Myofascial Release, Short Wave Diathermy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy


rakesh biswas