ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 173

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Ipomoea736146Pes-capral(L)Br

Solution dated :   Fri, Feb 15, '13

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As per your inputs uploaded to our website (see this link: on Feb 10 2013, we offer the following suggestions for your local doctor.

Regarding your Pain in hip and right knee:

The pain in your hip and right knee is due to central compression of your third lumbar vertebrae. From your scans, it seems there is no tendency of the fragments that are encroaching on the vertebral canal to drive back and cause any neurological deficit. This is further supported by the fact that the patient is able to walk, in spite of the presence of pain and the absence of any bowel or bladder problems. It is also unlikely that the 'kyphosis' or bending of your back will progress any more.

We would recommend you to use conservative treatment in the form of :

1. Taylor Brace should be worn for support

2. You should also take the following medications

Management provided by Dr Harish Rao, PCMS Bhopal
and Dr Rakesh Biswas with ArogyaUDHC team.