ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 275

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   LASIA736SPINOSA

Solution dated :   Sun, May 26, '13

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Patient's problems summary (May last week 2013):

Diabetes: Visible in the PPBS report in one of the attachments (deleted to remove identifiers). Request details of diabetes history from social worker Mr Kar along with weekly upload of FBS/PPBS and HbA1c every three months analogous to patient input here:

Anal Stenosis: The current strategy (Fiber supplementation is initiated and dilations) offered by the patient's local physician appears sound and can be continued. Furthermore, partial lateral internal sphincterotomy may be quite adequate for a patient with a mild degree of narrowing. (Reference:

best wishes,
ArogyaUDHC team

PS: Rakesh Biswas is morally and legally responsible for this suggestion and ArogyaUDHC team is working under the hypothesis that informational support (such as this) for the patient and local physician is likely to be beneficial toward achieving