ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 273

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   LAUNAEA736ASPLENIIFOLIA

Solution dated :   Sun, May 26, '13

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The patient was reviewed in PCMS Bhopal and further work up including a HIDA scan (figure uploaded to input page) and other viral markers made us conclude that it was a neonatal hepatitis and hopeful that it would recover spontaneously. A liver biopsy may have revealed giant cell hepatitis but it was decided not to go ahead with this invasive procedure. A follow up on the liver size would remain of utmost importance and we may be able to depend on our social worker Mr Kar to send us a monthly update on the baby's liver span (the measurement of which can be taught through informational support).

best wishes,
ArogyaUDHC team

PS: Rakesh Biswas is morally and legally responsible for this suggestion and ArogyaUDHC team is working under the hypothesis that informational support (such as this) for the patient and local physician is likely to be beneficial toward achieving better health outcomes."