ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 267

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Ageratum736Conyzoides

Solution dated :   Sat, May 25, '13

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Thanks for your post. Your complaints are summarized here although due to some reason it is very difficult to read the reports attached there as they appear blurred. We could read the attached letter better which usefully details your symptoms and is again translated and summarized below:

"Age - 40 years; Sex - Female; Height - 5' 1''; Weight - 68kg; BP - 147/86; Pulse Rate - 46

Patient History - 1 year ago, my pressure was quite high at 180/126. I was prescribed Amlodipine - 5 and Telma(Telmisartan) 40.
From 23rd March, 2013 I am unable to do any physical work, as I think my heart beat is quite low. I have palpitations, fatigue and my
forehead is warm with a feeling that it may burst any moment, I cannot sleep properly because of that too. My throat also runs out dry

My problems that I need solving are: 1)Palpitations 2) Obesity 3)Dry throat..."

Suggestions for your local physician:

1) May require a 24 hour holter monitoring ( to detect intermittent bradyarrhythmia) along with a holter-diary of symptoms. Short of the actual monitoring you can also keep a holter-diary of your symptoms right on your input page in the website. This may help us to understand your palpitation symptoms better. Also we may require further structural evaluation of your heart with a CXR and 2D Echo. Please also upload your BP values measured once a week so that we may be able to detect any correlation of your symptoms with your BP (currently there appears to be none).

2) Obesity has to be reduced through diet and exercise. Please see this previous output on our website output page where there are detailed instructions for diet and exercise (in Bengali).

3) Let us know in detail as to when exactly during the day your throat feels dry and frequent is this problem and how long does it last.

best wishes,
ArogyaUDHC team

PS: Rakesh Biswas is morally and legally responsible for this suggestion and ArogyaUDHC team is working under the hypothesis that informational support (such as this) for the patient and local physician is likely to be beneficial toward achieving better health outcomes."