ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 259

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Lantana736146CamaraLAge-65yF

Solution dated :   Fri, Apr 5, '13

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As per your patient inputs here:

Your patient is a
65 year old lady with recurrent falls, low back ache with hip and knee pains, generalized burning body pains and dyspepsia with hypertension on Amlodipine 5 mg and Telmisartan 40 mg and Chlorthalidone 12.5 mg combination (for ?duration).

Suggestions for your Local Doctor:

As per the information supplied in your reports, her low back ache with hip and knee pain along with generalized burning body pains is possibly because of spondylosis and osteoporotic fractures.

Please continue with her current medication Pregabalin 75 mg (the trade name of the medicine she is consuming is Maxmala). She can take Tablet Pregabalin 75 mg (generic preparation) twice daily for a few months. The dose can be increased depending on the response.

Please let her take Tablet Paracetamol 500 mg SOS when she has severe pain either in the body or head. She can also apply Myolaxin ointment locally in case of pain.

For chronic headache she can take Tablet Flunarizin 10 mg at bedtime one hour before dinner everyday for three months.

For her problem of gas (dyspepsia) she has to take her meals at proper time, avoid oily foods and take Omez-D twice a day for two to three days whenever symptoms occur as well as take syrup sucralfate sos.

For Blood Pressure:

Please let us know her Home-BP recordings every week.

Please let us have the information about her symptoms by uploading it every week to our website.

best regards,

ArogyaUDHC team