ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 220

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Kaempferia736146Rotunda

Solution dated :   Sat, Mar 23, '13

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We have received your update yesterday and noted that currently you are having these bothersome symptoms of food sticking to the back of the chest and throat after swallowing (initially with Chapatis and currently even with rice).

Going by your previous investigations done recently and our past recent feedback on them these symptoms can be explained by the persistent esophageal malfunction which you may be having. This may be proven by a 24 hour esophageal impedence pH manometry (although again the chances of proving it is not 100%). A 24 hour esophageal impedence pH manometry is possibly being done at the place where you obtained your past investigations from (in Hyderabad).

However as currently there are no definitive treatment options for this problem of esophageal malfunction many doctors may not want to advice the test. I too feel the best option for you is to undergo a repeat endoscopy to rule out any other cause of this current problem (which can be done by your local doctor) and if the endoscopy is normal then we may be reassured that this problem will subside with time.


Dr Rakesh Biswas with the ArogyaUDHC team