ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 199

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   ABELMOSCHUS160017ESCULENTUS

Solution dated :   Wed, Feb 27, '13

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Your problem ( link to your inputs: has been discussed
by our network of health professionals and the following suggestions (based on current best evidence) have been offered for you and
your local practitioner:

This is a difficult situation when technology ( in this case ultrasound) makes a patient becomes aware of a problem but there
is no ready made solution. The options for such problems that have been tried in the past are:

1) Fetal Neurosurgery: Unfortunately the results with these surgeries have not been found to be beneficial as of now and
there are no ongoing trials in India currently to the best of our knowledge. Here is more literature around this:,,

2) Natural Outcomes: There are many case-series based experiences published from major institutes/hospitals from around the
world (, what may happen to such children once they are born.
It would be very difficult to predict what will happen to your child on the basis of this data.

Here is some more plain language summary on this condition that you may wish to read:

On a positive note we have recently come across a 55 year old man who had a very large hydrocephalus since birth that was
never noticed till 55 years of age and was incidentally noticed for some other reason.

So our sincere suggestion is to have faith, hope for the best and keep monitoring the health of your child at frequent intervals with your local
obstetrician. The baby may be delivered by Cesarian section once fetal lung maturity is confirmed.

Dr Tamkin Khan, Dr Sujoy Dasgupta, Tamoghna Biswas, Kaustav Bera and Dr Rakesh Biswas for the ArogyaUDHC team