ArogyaUDHC Health Issue ID : 196

( Botanical ) Name of the patient:   Ipomoea736146AquaticaForsk

Solution dated :   Mon, Feb 18, '13

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Solution after second input on January 27,2013

As per the description of your problems of a low back ache with early morning stiffness around half an hour with frequent urination and also symptoms of anxiety as described here ( we have these suggestions for your local doctor/physician:


Solution after second Input on February 17, 2013

As per the reports and the symptoms as described in the follow up( the probable diagnosis is that of Diabetes. However, according to this report, your diabetes is now in the early stages and hence following a strict diet plan and exercise (See the Bengali Version for details to the patient)

Further, to decide the prognosis of your condition, you would need to record Fasting Blood Sugar and Post Prandial Blood Sugar every week, and then let us know the results.

For your headache
- Please let us know the date from which the symptom started appearing, no. of times it occurs in a day, and when it occurs the duration of it staying on. You can also take

For acidity-  Capsule Omeprazole+Domperidone (Omez-D) 20 mg twice daily to be continued as prescribed before

Kaustav Bera and Dr. Rakesh Biswas,
Arogya UDHC Team